Maintain Your Focus On Video Calls
If you lose your train of thought (or your personality) when speaking up on video calls, it is almost always a matter of keeping your attention rooted in your body and in your physical space instead of getting pulled to anxious analytical thought. Here are my tips. What helps you stay grounded and present on video calls?
The Idea Space - Conversational Confidence
I talk about building conversational confidence and speaking off the cuff in important moments.
Free Communication Workshop: Speak Off-the-Cuff with Comfort
Do you want to speak up more in meetings or conversations? Do you lose your train of thought (or your personality) when the spotlight turns to you?
Consent and Clarity in Covid Times
Today, I want to talk about consent. Remember, not so long ago, maybe before vaccinations were rolling out when we were joking about how common ways of interacting, like handshakes and hugs would be bygone days? Seems like forever ago, right?
Bad with Names or Remembering Things?: How to maximize your attention even if you're "bad" at something
Do you have anxiety about remembering one type of thing? It could be remembering people's names, or if there's an icebreaker in a group session and everyone is asked to name their favorite book or movie, their mind goes blank. You’re not alone,
Are you an Efficiency-Monster?: How to reset your attention and do on one thing at at time
Last week, I had the distinct privilege of taking off a whole week from work for the first time since the pandemic began. Have you done it? Have you taken a break from work? If you're someone who has been working a lot, as I have been, particularly around screens, it is so necessary.
Standing vs. Sitting: How to stand in the spotlight with more ease
Today, I want to talk to those of you who might not be able to sit at a desk all day. Whether it’s because you're back to in-person work, or you have more of an on your feet job.
Honor Your Rhythm: How speaking fast is ruining the workplace
How can I keep up when meetings are going at such a fast speed? Or how can I keep up with my own thought process when I feel like I want to speak quicker than I'm thinking or vice versa? It's incredibly common!
In-person vs. Virtual Communication
How to maintain your presence and power no matter the mode of communication.
Preparing for Virtual Presentations
Here are a few things you can do to help you feel more prepared and in control when presenting on video.
How to Ally This Week
This week in America, another Black man was murdered at the hands of police in the Minneapolis suburbs yesterday. Daunte Wright was killed by cops while he was at a traffic stop.
Pandemic Social Anxiety
How to normalize our nerves as we emerge from a year of social isolation.