Lee Bonvissuto Lee Bonvissuto

Maintain Your Focus On Video Calls

If you lose your train of thought (or your personality) when speaking up on video calls, it is almost always a matter of keeping your attention rooted in your body and in your physical space instead of getting pulled to anxious analytical thought. Here are my tips. What helps you stay grounded and present on video calls?

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Lee Bonvissuto Lee Bonvissuto

Consent and Clarity in Covid Times

Today, I want to talk about consent. Remember, not so long ago, maybe before vaccinations were rolling out when we were joking about how common ways of interacting, like handshakes and hugs would be bygone days? Seems like forever ago, right?

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Lee Bonvissuto Lee Bonvissuto

How to Ally This Week

This week in America, another Black man was murdered at the hands of police in the Minneapolis suburbs yesterday. Daunte Wright was killed by cops while he was at a traffic stop.

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