Consent and Clarity in Covid Times

Today, I want to talk about consent. Remember, not so long ago, maybe before vaccinations were rolling out when we were joking about how common ways of interacting, like handshakes and hugs would be bygone days? Seems like forever ago, right? 

Yet, now we're reemerging and people are hugging and handshaking again. With the new COVID-19 variants popping up, everything is coming to a big massive halt. The last few weeks have been interesting. Lots of folks are coming right in for a hug or even a handshake, and I'm not always feeling comfortable saying, “No thanks, I’m actually not hugging right now.” I went to a wedding recently, and I did say to others, “actually, I'm not hugging right now.”A few people were offended, but I have an unvaccinated kid at home. 

A lot is going on right now for most people. As we're going back to school in the next few weeks, as we're on vacations and seeing old friends and family, and variants are flying around, and so many individuals might be unvaccinated. How can we keep ourselves safe? How can you say, “no” to that work retreat? How can you ask to stay home a little longer so you can avoid unnecessary exposure to variants that are so scary?

So this is me checking in, and reminding you consent is everything, and clear communication is key! Speaking with clarity and directness is essential for being heard by others. I want to convince you that your conversational partners need clarity too. As one of my clients says, “clarity is kindness.” Can you be kind and tell them what they need to hear as clearly as possible so they can understand your needs? 

I've been surprised recently when I have stated my consent or boundaries. If I’ve gone in for a hug without asking someone else's consent, that other person will tell me theirs. It's a really important reminder of how powerful these social pressures are. The ways we feel each other so experientially, right? When someone doesn't come in for a handshake or a gesture, we question ourselves. If we go in, we end up feeling vulnerable. Return to permission for clear communication, and let me know how it goes!


Free Communication Workshop: Speak Off-the-Cuff with Comfort


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