Introducing PresentVoices: The power of the present moment

welcome to present voices

Welcome to PresentVoices

PresentVoices has been in the works for some time and now that it’s here it feels exactly right for this present moment. I’m thrilled to be here (and that you’re here too!)

PresentVoices is what I’ve always done.

With PresentVoices, I'll continue to do the work I'm most passionate about—helping people speak with confidence and conviction through Individual Coaching and Group Training. In response to requests from long-time clients I’ll also work closely with senior leadership and Heads of HR to develop programs that create and cultivate a lasting culture of communication throughout organizations. 

PresentVoices is purposeful.

It feels powerful that I quietly launched PresentVoices last Thursday, while Christine Blasey Ford was testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee. I entered a client’s office to see people crowded around a television screen watching a woman speak truth to power. That day, my female clients were no longer interested in changing their communication based on the feedback of male supervisors. They were mad as hell and looking to harness that rage. They wanted to transform it into power, and they did.

I’ve always worked with men—and I always will. It’s essential to speak with each other. Communication is dynamic and interactive, so I will always strive to get everyone in the room. But women, womyn, womxn: You are my heart. After last week, I’m making it my personal mission to embolden women to speak up for themselves. I will do that through PresentVoices.

PresentVoices is deeply personal.

When I decided to start my own company I struggled with what to call it. Many clients and friends advised me to just use my name. But I wanted to build something that is bigger than me because the work is so much bigger than just me.

The work has never been just professional. It’s always been personal. It’s what I’ve learned since having a baby—we are not born with Impostor Syndrome, inhibition, and negative self-talk. We are built to take up space and be unapologetic.

The work has also never been about becoming something you’re not—it’s always been about ownership, increased self-awareness, and rejecting unhelpful “constructive” feedback and overcorrecting in response to other people’s preconceived notions.

Personally, PresentVoices will allow me to continue to find my voice. I will seek out opportunities that make me uncomfortable. I will chase after challenging conversations. I will speak to you as directly as I can through this blog and my newsletter. I will practice what I preach and speak about communication whenever I can.

PresentVoices is actionable.

I’m not a communication expert. I’m a student of communication. I learn from you all every. single. day. If we’ve been in a room together, you’ve witnessed people finding their PresentVoices. They do this by making small, actionable changes that transform the way they interact with their work and the world.

A consistent request from clients has been to find ways to ingrain the lasting effects of the work weeks, months and years beyond the training itself. I’m committed to finding even more ways to change lifelong behaviors for the long-term. My goal will be for you to not need me anymore.

I want everyone to leave with an actionable roadmap and a personalized toolbox to help them present themselves in a way that makes them feel powerful.

Confidence is contagious. I want to help you amplify and own your unique PresentVoices. Thanks for being on this journey with me. 


Women: Let's Take Up More Space


Feedback: How to make sure we receive what we need and discard what we don’t