Virtual Communication Workshop with Google Women Techmakers


This has officially been the strangest Women’s Month of all time, but it’s not over yet. 

Next Tuesday on 3/31, I was supposed to run a workshop and moderate a panel for an #IWD event with Google Women Techmakers. The in-person event has been postponed until we can be together again, but we decided to do a virtual workshop about virtual communication (meta!) on the day it was originally planned. Register now to participate before it fills up. This is open to womxn and allies. More info here: 

Join WomenTechmakers and Google Developer Group NYC for a virtual communication workshop with PresentVoices founder Leah Bonvissuto to talk about how to communicate effectively while working at home. In this hour-long interactive workshop, we'll practice tangible tools to speak with more confidence and clarity when interacting, meeting, or presenting on video.

Sign up with your email to receive a private Zoom video link and a calendar invite.


5:30 pm Join the video meeting

5:45 pm Interactive Communication Workshop with Leah Bonvissuto, PresentVoices Founder

6:45 pm Questions and Answers

7:00 pm Wrap up


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