Free Public Speaking Coaching for Those Most Affected

Virtual Communication Coaching

The ways we interact, connect, and communicate changed overnight. We are learning how to be present in uncertain times. We have to find ways to feel connected while social distancing. 

Clear and confident communication has never been more important. 

PresentVoices exists to help people speak up and be heard through communication training for spontaneous and public speaking.

I’m giving away 2 free coaching sessions a week for people who have lost their livelihood or for essential workers on the front-lines. Fill out this form to submit for a spot and I'll be in touch. Topics may include:

  • Making a connection while social distancing 

  • Speaking and interacting via videoconference 

  • Virtual communication and remote team meetings 

  • Leadership in turbulent times

  • Managing anxiety and uncertainty through presence

My full suite of offerings is also available to those of you navigating this new virtual reality. What's not working about working from home? What are you and your team doing to connect while keeping your distance? Be in touch if I can be helpful. 

Here's a round-up of my favorite resources for this moment:

With warmth and solidarity,


How Newly Remote Team Leaders Can Lead Teams WFH


How to keep public speaking conversational