PresentVoices on The Anxious Achiever Podcast


I loved talking to Morra Aarons-Mele about leadership and anxiety in this Harvard Business Review podcast. Click here to listen. I’ve been listening to this podcast every week and it was a real treat to talk about how to speak up for yourself at work despite nerves, bias and self-doubt.

I talk about this every day in my work and the nerves and self-doubt don’t go away. In fact, I had sensations of panic when the episode premiered last Monday - the sensations still happen but they have less control over me because 1. I have a process that works to keep me centered and grounded and 2. I know that ~85% of high-achieving folks feel this way too.

That’s why I collect the data I do (it’s as much for me as it is for my clients). That’s why I talk about anxiety openly (to encourage others to do the same). That’s why I want to talk about talking and normalize the anxiety so many of us feel speaking up at work.

Please give it a listen, share and subscribe to the podcast. I’d love to know what you think!


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In this new decade, how will your voice be heard?